Sunday, March 30, 2014

Swap and Shop Awesomness

It's the most thriftiest time of the year!
Where the yard sales are prepping,
And Wolff's Flea is opening and everyone cheers!
It's the most thriftiest time....OF THE YEAR!

Folks, we are getting closer and closer to what I call the yardsale season! Yes the weather here in Chicago took a big dump on us this March...but April is two days away and today it's 55 degrees! Today would be a good day to dumpster dive as everyone is in the spring cleaning I'm sure you are too. Soon there will be yardsales every which way, estate sales, sales, sales, woo!!

Wolff's Flea at Rosemont opened this morning too! Didn't go, but I was up at 2 a.m. this morning thinking that there are some folks getting ready out there for their first flea market of the season in one hour. That's right...those folks get out there at around 3 a.m. The first shopping folks get out there to by at 4 a.m! 

This season, I feel, is going to be a good season. I'll be announcing an epic sale next week that you need to take part of...stay tuned!

And finally, wanted to talk about a great event I went to last week. Two amazing women put on an event called Swap and Shop out in Logan Square. It was geared towards 12+ women. There were BOXES UPON BOXES of clothes. (About 50 folks - my guess - came, we all walked out with at least a full bag...I walked away with three). There was a cute little photobooth, and VannaTease from Vaudezilla came and did a little burlesque. Such a fantastic event! 

(that says SWAP)
Photo by Jessica Hinkle

Regina and I!!!!
Photo by Jessica Hinkle

Photos by Jessica Hinkle

VannaTease, So Amazing!!
Photo by Jessica Hinkle

I also met some incredible women there. I'll admit it, I'm a size 16. I love good food, I take care of myself and I look good! I'm fortunate enough to live and work in an environment where folks don't judge you because of your size - they judge by your they should and boy do I get in trouble sometimes. 

But I'm not usually in a place where folks look just like me and folks are so incredibly supportive...and I just met the folks! About 10 items I walked away with, they were recommended to me...again, by folks I just met. It was such a supportive event and I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

All for now.

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