Monday, January 20, 2014


Just another snowy Saturday. This weekend I went and played at the Brown Elephant - love doing that!
Also went to an Estate Sale in Albany park - I would mention the estate sale group...but they really weren't on their game at the sale. They really looked like they didn't want to be there. Nevertheless, we got some great things. Logan got a meat grinder and a canning thing that helps to make jam. I got a plastic santa.

Also went to the first clothing swap of the year at Vaudezilla! This is a great event, if you are in the Chicago area. Not only do folks bring street clothes, but also burlesque Vaudezilla is a burlesque troup and studio. If you are a dancer or performer, this a great chance to trade off costumes that you no longer use for some new shiny ones. I got a sweater, some frames...and other awesome things that are not G rated. Oh, I also found a Bozo costume.

Short and sweet on my findings:

Vaudezilla Studios - a nice studio!

Findings from the Brown Elephant, Clothing Swap and Estate Sale
*The cups on the right - tons of cups for the CHILI COOKOFF!!*


Last week I got some great feedback on dumpster diving. My good buddy, Elisabeth, shared this flickr site with me, called perfectly good. Excellent photos of what one person has found in Chicago's dumpsters. Check it out!

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